Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Obama vs Hillary - Winner Take All

This is gonna be a short post.

Something occurred to me the other day. It's obvious that the two major players in the Democrat party for 2008 at the moment are of course Barak(sp?) Obama and Hillary Clinton. They're creating a bit of a heated battle. Both are working to build up a massive following, using their different "trump cards." For example, Clinton gets brownie points for being a woman, irrespective of the fact that that means absolutely nothing in whether or not she's qualified to be president. Is she the right woman? (No, that's not sexist.) Obama gets points for being black. It he the right black? And no, that's not racist.

Let me go off on a tangent for a moment: Whether or not you have the right stuff to be President has literally NOTHING to do with color. Blacks are just as likely to make good presidents as whites, asians, and everyone else. By the same token, they're just as likely to make bad presidents. Color is as irrelevant in this matter as hair color or whether the ear lobes are loose or attached. (I know that's a ridiculous example. That's the point.) Now as far as gender goes, there are, like it or not, psychological, hormonal, behavioral, etc, differences between guys and gals. As far as effect on Presidential material, these are generalizations, and do not apply to every case. Or necessarily even to most cases, for that matter. I don't really know enough about gender psychology to comment on this particular matter further.

Now, of course, before I went off on a tangent, the question is, which one (Hillary or Obama) will come out on top?
Just a theory here:
Both are building up their followers.
IF one were to drop out at the last moment, IN FAVOR OF THE OTHER, all (or most, anyway) of their followers would likely latch onto and vote for the other candidate. In this manner, these two could be building up twice as much support for one candidate as that candidate could generate on their own.

Scary tactics.

Meanwhile, the Republicans have yet to figure out who they're gonna go with. Brownback, anyone? More likely Guliani (is that spelled right?), but for the sake of the Republican victory, I hope its not Newt. I'll give reasons why some other time.

Yep. That's it for now.